בתשובה להאייל האלמוני, 05/04/05 17:43
מה זה זבל"א? 290472
זה בורר לו אחד.
כאשר שני אנשים רוצים להרכיב בית-דין לבוררות ביניהם, "זה בורר לו (דיין) אחד, וזה בורר לו (דיין) אחד", ושני הדיינים שנבחרו בוחרים יחד את השלישי. זו ההצעה שלי בתגובה 290065 לקושיית שכ"ג על תכנון ניסוי מבוקר.
תודה 290475
מה זה זבל"א? 290477
אתה מתכוון משהו כמו זה:
The most serious attempts at replicating the Gans experiment were made by a committee at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The committee was formed in 1997 and comprised:

Professor Yisrael Aumann, a distinguished mathematical economist. A long-time supporter of the codes work of Rips and Witztum. He wrote the actual text of the 1994 Statistical Science paper of WRR and pushed very hard to have it published.
Professor Hillel Furstenberg, a very distinguished mathematician. He wrote the famous supportive preface to Witztum's 1989 book on codes signed by four mathematicians, but at times has expressed reservations.
Professor Eliyahu Rips, a mathematician and one of the leading proponents of the Torah codes. He invented many of the methods used in "codes research" today and co-authored a large part of the "scientific evidence" for the existence of codes.
Dr. Dror Bar-Natan, a mathematician and one of the leading critics of the codes. Co-author of the 1999 rebuttal to WRR published in Statistical Science.
Dr. Itzhak Lapidus, a chemist invited to the committee by Prof. Rips.
The committee designed two replications and engaged separate experts to compile the data for each. One of the experiments included many of the design decisions made in the Gans experiment, such as the choice of prefixes for the community names, while the other left such decisions to the discretion of the expert. The experts were chosen by Professor Furstenberg, who kept their identities secret even from the other committee members. Funding to pay the experts was provided by Mr. Alec Gindis and the Aish HaTorah organization (known as a leading opponent and leading supporters of the codes, respectively).

The experiments were finally completed in 2002. No sign of codes was detected in either case. One experiment obtained a result of 0.463 and the other 0.578. A positive result would have required a very small quantity, less than 0.001 and even that would have been about 1000 times weaker than Gans originally obtained.

( מתוך חיטוט בלינק שאלון נתן: http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/dilugim/gans_exp.html)
מה זה זבל"א? 290478
משהו כזה.
שעה ורבע 384447
זה הזמן שלוקח לשמוע את ההרצאה של מיה בר-הלל על ה"תגלית" של ריפס.
http://community-youth.huji.ac.il/program1.asp?cat=8... ומשם לבחור את ההרצאה שלה מתאריך 11.12.05.

יכולתי, כמובן, לתת לינק ישיר להרצאה, אבל לא עשיתי זאת משתי סיבות: האחת היא שבלינק שלי תוכלו לראות רשימה של עוד הרצאות שאולי יעניינו אתכם, והשניה היא שאני לא יודע איך.

ותודה ל dina.

חזרה לעמוד הראשי

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