בתשובה לנועה ו, 24/12/05 13:33
tales from the west 356732
You still don't understand my answer, nor do you understand the difference between Capitalism, socialist-state, and Communism. I'll try to make this as simple as I can for you.
In a Capitalist society, not only do your petty demonstrations and strikes mean absolutely nothing, there are people who don't have the same privilege as you do to conduct such forms of resistance (like the Palestinians). You can quit your job only because you have the privilege of accessing other types of employment at your fingertips. Are you telling me that working-class people in ghettos have the flexibility to simply quit their jobs if they don't like them? How about Palestinians or Latin Americans working for slave-wages in corporate factories just to barely get by…can they just quite like you? On the other hand, in a socialist state, you're eligible to receive the same benefits (health care, etc.) as everybody else. There would be no social hierarchies which would grant certain people with better mechanisms for survival.
As to your comment about stealing food for survival under Capitalism, it simply is not true that anyone can get away with theft without penalty. We just saw in the case of New Orleans, that when people were literally starving on the streets and stealing food from markets and grocery stores to survive post-hurricane, they were gunned down by the National Guard. In Israel, when you say "women" can steal food and get away with it, be sure you indicate which women you mean… you mean Jewish women. Palestinians are starving and cannot get away with stealing anything. And secondly, why are you just accepting poverty as if it were a natural occurrence? Did you know that your government actually purchases food from local farmers and destroys it in order to keep it at market value? Maybe this is the difference between Capitalism and Communism. Communists do not simply accept the notion of poverty.
I would really be interested in hearing where you got your information about Stalin sending people to prison for 25 years for stealing food.
In a democratic society when people think such thing like: Women should be in the kitchen, or that certain races of people are inherently inferior than others, we must recognize that these thoughts are symptomatic manifestations of the system in which we live. And when these thoughts are allowed to be cultivated too deeply they turn into violent and dangerous actions. When people think that women are inferior, they rape them. When people think certain races are inferior, hate-crimes, and often genocide occurs (like in the example of your country). You really need to break away from this whole post-modern notion of "my truth " and "your truth." There are things that are objectively right and objectively wrong. After a revolution, people will not just immediately transform their corrupt ways of thinking, there is no actual way to know what people are thinking, let alone punish them for it. But as we saw with the Cultural Revolution ion China, people were unleashed and encouraged to struggle over old and reactionary ideas vs. new and liberating ones.
You really have no idea the changes which occurred for women in Russia and China previously under the socialist state. In Russia women were allowed for the first time to have any rights, and in China, the buying and selling of women as commodities was stopped immediately, just to state a couple examples.
As for the books that you quoted, one of them was written by Ann Applebaum, a “scholar” who believes that more than 20 million people went through the first labor camps. This does not correspond to history, nor to Soviet statistics. And here’s an interesting criticism about it: http://kulmosnet.co.il/articles/amish/gulag/gulag.ht...
Another author you suggested, named Chung Hang, was according to her own story, working for the Shell Oil Corporation. Needless to say, she was a wealthy woman. This corporation has been involved in the merciless plundering of Third World countries from Cuba to Current day Iraq. Doesn’t it seem a little counter-productive to you to invest time in reading a book published by an oil-industry merchant, regarding a topic such as the current war in Iraq? This is no different. On your other books, I haven’t found enough resources as of yet, but judging by these two, I assume there’s not much I can learn.
Is this how you are going to conduct your debate with me? By Googling “Stalin Killed Millions of People” or “Communism is Bad” web-sites? Please do some less superficial research and get back to me when you feel you can have a literate debate.
I would like to answer your other comment here as well. If there is an Objective Reality, there is a Science for Revolution. There is a correct way to study reality and how it corresponds to the oppression of people, and vicariously, how we can use it to construct a revolution. The amazing discoveries of Marx and Lenin on Capitalism can still be applied to every day life. The amazing discoveries of Mao regarding how to conduct a People’s War and how to keep fighting the tendencies toward Capitalism in a socialist society are still valued and are being practiced in the Philippines, Peru and Nepal.
The remark about the Czar was directed against another guy who said that the Czar would never kill so many people. There's no way that Stalin could have killed that many people. The numbers just don't add up. About 25 million people died from all causes during the years the purge trials were taking place. If Stalin killed 20 million people during this time, that would leave 5 million who died from other causes. Based on a population of 180 million this would mean the Soviet Union had a death rate of less than 5 per 1000. I don't believe it's ever been that low at anywhere at any time in history, unless someone can show me otherwise. It's currently estimated to be 8.25 per 1000 in the amerikkka, just to give you some perspective.
They were rich kulaks in Russia who were benefiting off the back of the poorer peasants. You really have no idea abut the differences in Russia before and after the Revolution. The kulaks actually hired armies to fight the socialist state.
I’m happy that I don’t need to reply to your remark about Russia not being invaded by Imperialist armies. Like your other comments, it holds no validity and you didn’t do enough research to hold your claim.
Stalin made a lot of mistakes. His role, summarized by the Chinese Communist Party, was stated to be 70% good and 30% bad. While we are fighting to correctly understand what did and did not happen in China and Russia so we can do better next time, we can’t forget
A: What Objective Reality is.
B: That if we don’t end this economic system, the system will keep killing us all and very soon will eradicate humanity (ie. pollution, nuclear weapons, etc).
C: That the only way to get out of this system is by a scientific understanding of reality as it had been shown in the literature of Marx, Lenin and Mao.

"we have nothing to lose and a world to win"

Long live the Marxism-Leninism Maoist.

tales from the west 356872
הדוגמאות שהבאת בעניין הפלסטינים אינן רלוונטיות לנושא הקפיטליזם. הבעיות שלהם נובעות מהכיבוש ומהאפרטהייד, וחלקן דומות מאוד לאלו שהיו לכל העמים שחיו תחת הכיבוש הרוסי במה שנקרא ''חבר העמים''. גם מי שמאמין בסוציאליזם לא חייב לקבל את הדוגמאות הממומשות שלו כמופתים.
"Economic breads politics" 357164
racism like sexism is one of the mechanisms that keep this system whole.
Racism developed with capitalism, (not that it did not exist before) as an instrument to divide and control, not to mention the need for a cheap labor in any capitalist society.
What do you think would happen if Jews from Yeruham and Palestinian from Gaza will understand that they both have the same intrace as a class? Or if man would view women as equal?
I recommend you a good book called the "people history of the u.s." by Howard zinn

"Economic breads politics" 357199
יהודי ירוחם לא יסכימו בשום אופן להידרדר למעמד של ערביי עזה, מכל בחינה שהיא (זכויות אזרחיות וכלכליות לדוגמה). הם אינם שותפים באותו ''מעמד'', ולמען האמת - דעתם חופפת רק לגבי שמאלנים מתלמדים שכמותך.
Blank Verse 357208
Economics Breads Politics/ Mao More than Ever
like sexism
is one of the mechanisms
that keep this system whole.

developed with capitalism,
(not that it did not exist before)
as an instrument to divide and control

tales from the west 356873
We have our lives to lose and nothing to win.

Long live the Dodo.

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