בתשובה לאלון עמית, 11/02/04 7:43
זה היה בציניות או ברצינות? 196617
אם ככה אז אולי יעניין אותך לקרוא גם את הספר "experiments against reality - the fate of culture in the postmodern age", שנכתב ע"י Roger Kimball. בהקשר של דלז וגאטארי נכתב שם כך:
Yet it tells us *something* about the current state of philosophy that Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, two much-idolized French philosophers, should have published a book called 'What Is Philosophy?' (1991) in which we learn that

"philosophical concepts are fragmentary wholes that are not aligned with one another so that they fit together, because their edges do not match up. They are not pieces of jigsaw puzzle but rather the outcome of throws of the dice. They resonate nonetheless, and the philosophy that creates them always introduces a powerful Whole that, while remaining open, is not fragmented: an unlimited One-All, and "Omnitudo" that includes all the concepts on one and the same plane."

Which means . . . what? Perhaps, as Messrs. Deleuze and Guattari tell us a bit later on, that "if philosophy is reterritorialized on the concept, it does not find the condition for this in the present form of the democratic State or in a cogito of communication that is even more dubious than that of reflection." Or perhaps it is just ominous-sounding nonsense.
זה היה בציניות או ברצינות? 196771
תודה על ההפנייה. אם לומר את האמת, עוד ספר שיורד על הנובו-פילוסופים הוא דווקא לא מה שבמיוחד חסר לי, אני דווקא משתדל להתרכז בכתביהם של מושאי הביקורת עצמם.

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