מי באמת עומד מאחרי הפיגועים? 228104
טוב, אולי לא כולם, אך לפחות חלקם. ניתן לצפות בכתבה בMSNBC:
איזכור הקשר של השלטון הסעודי לפיגועים האחרונים מביא אותי לעיסוק פעם נוספת בנאציזם האזורי. זוכרים את ההפצצות העצמיות ב'1984'? זוכרים את ה'פיגוע' בדמשק לפני כמה שבועות? בסעודיה זה יותר מורכב.

לפני כתקופה מסויימת הגיע לידיי עמוד האינטרנט שיובא להלן.
הבחור האחראי לו, סעיד א-סאלח, בן אצולה סעודי, עבר טיפול של משטרת המוסר בסעודיה לאחר מכן. העמוד נעלם מן הרשת ומשום מה גם מן הארכיונים של גוגל באופן די מיידי. הנה הדברים:

International Terrorism: Made with pride in Saudi Arabia
by Saeed Al-Saleh

Things are changing fast, and you have lots of things to do. You can not do all what you need. YOU need help, and you can depend on US. What ever you need, we deliver.

We have our own trained terrorists. We don’t buy cheap ones; we raise them from the ground up to get the job done.

We mentor them from childhood in schools and mosques, until they grow up in our own summer camps.

We even follow up with them in Saudi Universities and Institutions. We do not leave liberals to brain wash them! We continue to educate them by our own university staff members, who are paid by us.

So, by the time they graduate, they are ready to roll.

They can take any task, so you do not have to worry. They can kill anyone, just name it.

While we prefer to kill Christians and Jews, we can kill Muslims too.

Not just that, we go beyond any other group, we kill children, women and elderly too.

Others might use time bombs, or remote control to bomb their target, we do too.

But we use suicide bombers that are committed to reach the largest number of people.

We work globally, so your business continues growing. We can deliver anywhere on the planet.

If you are hesitant, we can prove it to you since we have a record to defend and to show. We bombed Americans in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1995, and in Khobar Saudi Arabia, just one year later.

We are proudly responsible for bombing American Embassies in Africa in 1998, and USS Cole in Yemen in 2000.

Of course, we are behind our best piece of art, September 11, 2001 operation that got WTC down.

Still, we reached Americans and others in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on the 12th of May 2003.

Our terrorists are home grown; home taught and home trained; and delivered all over the world. That doesn't mean we do not recruit others, we do, and we have available positions all the time because we loose some of ours at the job.

You might wonder how we did achieve such a tremendous success. The answer is simple; Ideology and Money.

Our ideology is second to none. We grow our own terrorists. We teach them how to become radicals. We teach them hate to others; even their own people, so they are ready to kill their own families if asked.

We receive lots of money from Saudi government and other nonprofit organization who support our cause. That is why, money is not a concern. We do not charge that much, in fact we do not charge money at all; in fact we will give money to who needs our support and help.

We thank the Saudi government for all the support it gives us, and I want to thank the Saudi establishments individually:

1- Saudi Minister of Interior: he gave us the power to use mosques, shops and supermarkets to spread our ideology and get financial support for our cause.

2- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: gave us diplomatic immunity and financial support through Saudi Embassies to distribute hate materials all over the globe.

3- Ministry of Education: gave us the opportunity to put our hate material into school books and gave us a great opportunity to recruit our future terrorists at early age.

4- Ministry of Higher Education: supported us at the university level by letting our own radical staff to teach students how to hate the west, other Muslims, and to recruit them to fight for us.

5- Ministry of Islamic Affairs: supported us by printing our books, spreading our decrees locally and globally, paid our clerics and their recruits in mosques, built lots of recruiting stations, like mosques and religious schools. In addition, assigning our clerics in all the mosques of the whole country, and abroad to distribute hate, violence and terrorism. Thanks a thousand times.

6- Ministry of Justice: for assigning our staff as judges all over the country, to practice discrimination and promote hatred.

7- Ministry of Defense: for adopting our ideology as its doctrine, practicing our ideology in discrimination against Shia, and for distributing our books promoting hatred and violence.

Need References?

1- Prince Sultan – Minister of Defense

2- Nayef Al-Saud – Minister of Interior

3- Turkey Alfaisal – former head of intelligence

Paid for by: Al-Qaeda

1900 L Street, N.W. Suite No. 309, Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone : 202-466-2300 editor@arabianews.org

אולי זה גם מסביר את הדיווח המוזר הזה: http://www.memri.org.il/memri/LoadArticlePage.asp?en... .
"לפני כתקופה"? 228137
טוב, אם ''יותר עדיף'' נכנס לשפה, אז אולי גם לזה יש מקום.

חזרה לעמוד הראשי המאמר המלא

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