בתשובה ליעקב, 27/11/04 19:10
לכל דבר יש מחיר 264673
Your language illustrates precisely what I wanted to say:

לדעתי, רוב האנשים מסכימים עם מסקנתי כשהם חושבים על כך, אך הם מעדיפים להתעלם, כי הם אינם רוצים לוותר על ההנאה שבחטא.

See, if you drop the "value" language of your perspective (for me social contact and equal opportunities is a *must*, not a *sin*), you're absolutely right. I'm not going for the external "divorce prevention" mechanism you offer (staying at home and excluding myself from the company of men who are not my partner in my social life and in the workplace) and prefer to work on "internal" ones - investing in my relationship and avoiding cheating because of love and commitnent - because yes, there are social and professional opportunities that I don't want to give up. For me they are not "sin", but a necessary means to my happiness as a person and as a partner in a loving relationship.

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