בתשובה לגיל רצבי, 10/04/05 10:47
עוד הערה 291526
כבר קיבלת תיקון, כך שאולי אתה מבקש לינק?

"Despite comparatively intense bombardment by large impactors, chemical and radio-isotopic trace evidence of what appears to be biologically processed carbon in Earth's oldest surviving rocks – from western Greenland's Isua greenstone belt that are as old as 3.85 billion years – suggest that self-replicating, carbon-based microbial life became well developed during Earth's first billion years of existence"

( http://www.solstation.com/life.htm )
עוד הערה 291725
biologically processed carbon -
מה הכוונה ?
עוד הערה 291882
אולי ריכוזי פחמן הפזורים בצורה "לא טבעית" כלשהיא ?

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