בתשובה לHadar Aviram, 15/08/05 20:15
כלכלן! 324015
what's the seminal methodological article for sexologists?
כלכלן! 324019
The original paper was:

Weinberg, M.S., & Williams, C.J. (1972). Fieldwork among deviants: Social relations with subjects and others. In J. Douglas, (Ed.), Research on Deviance, (pp. 163-186). New York: Random House.

Williams and Weinberg presented an updated version of this paper as a plenary speech at the 2005 conference, under the title "Researching Unstudied and Understudied Communities: Social Relations with Participants".
כלכלן! 324020
popular misconceptions 324092
הדר ענתה לך ברצינות,אבל יש משהו מצחיק בתואר seminal למאמר בסקסולוגיה, לא?

(והכותרת מ תגובה 275807)
popular misconceptions 324228
And on the same vein, do you have any idea how funny it is to teach an undergraduate class about "penal policies toward sex offenders"?
popular misconceptions 324268
clearly, the penis mightier than the sword
popular misconceptions 324360
winter in the continent said the dictator dick the third

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