בתשובה להיא, 28/12/05 15:09
אני לא חזקה בסטטיסקה אבל 357872
I knew I said that I would leave but this is too much.


So, you have decided to stop using different anonymous names to slant your lies and propaganda. That's fine. I can combat your brainwashed party line type of thinking under any name.
I happy to see that you now admit that your not an export (not as you introduce your self), who knows, maybe in a couple of posts you will admit that most of what you know is lies
This site that you quoted as is a joke. It quotes communism as the third and fourth most disastrous of things to happen to humanity.
Not the US, supporting coup's in Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, El Salvador, Chile, and many others; waging wars all over the globe.
Not imperialism, with hundreds and thousands of kids dying in Asia, Africa, and South America on a daily basis.
These atrocities are not a big disaster according to this site.
More than that, your site puts in as one of the death tolls that he attributes to communism, the civil war between the corrupt regime supported by the US (your country's best friend). Meaning that according to your site, people should not fight for their liberation and against imperialism. He also attributes to communism the death of the KMT army personals and rich landlord (not understanding why there was a need for a revolution from the first place). Among his sources are: Jasper Becker a man who attributes cannibalism and starvation to Mao (since we all knew that it never happened before)
Judith Banister a u.s. official
And Jung Chang, Mao the Real Story
A book that "claims" that the long march never happened and sure the commenting as his information
The famine that hit chine have killed millions of people, just like a disaster like this would have caused in India or the tsunami in Asia. China was a third world country trying to gain her independent from imperialist countries almost alone.
But, unlike other third world countries dominated by imperialism, china made sure that these disasters would not happen again.

The great leap forward was a mistake that Mao as a true communist leader took responsibility for. (unlike your leaders where third world hunger is rarely maintain) and even so chine have over came the starvation and poverty that were inference on her by imperialist countries and ended up with a mortality rate that far succeeded that of new York
There was a need for the cultivation of argliculrure since it was after all socialism, (not that you would understand anything about it) and capitalism will always lead to poverty and starvation.(as we can see in China today)
As I said before you have no idea what the Chinese communist revolution was all about nor do understand what capitalism stands for. (And your sites sucks)
But, don't let that stop you from ignoring everything I just said, and focusing on who I am, or my spelling.

Oh, and one last thing:
Long live Marxism Leninism Maoism

In reality, the deaths attributed to the Great Leap (1958-60) are mostly due to starvation, particularly from the Great Leap's aftermath (1960-1), not executions. Flooding and drought seriously affected over half of China's land in that famine. The Soviet Union withdrew its industrial aid in 1960 causing a virtual halt in most of China's industry. The Soviet Union had agreed to provide about 300 modern industrial plants but only 154 were completed by 1960.(2) Thousands of Soviet technicians who were in China to assist with industrial development left within the period of a month, taking with them their blue-prints and stopping supply shipments.(3)

It is not surprising that these myths are so actively propagated by capitalist countries, which are far more deserving of the label "butcher." Fourteen million children, mostly from capitalist Asian countries, die each year from starvation.(5) Using the same methods that the bourgeois scholars and media use, in the United States in 1986, 75,980 Blacks died from having inadequate health care.(6) If the United States were the same size as China, that would mean the death of over 300,000 Black people annually! (2.5 million people dead each year if there were as many Blacks as Chinese.)

With a quarter of the world's children, if China hadn't been liberated by Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, that situation would be much worse today. As it was, 22 million Chinese died of starvation during World War II, thanks to Japanese imperialism and the U.S.-backed regime. Under Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, the life expectancy of the Chinese people doubled from 35 under the capitalist Kuomintang to 69.(7) In contrast, the starvation in capitalist countries and the inadequate health care for Blacks in the United $tates is so routine and whitewashed that no capitalist politician bothers to make self-criticism or mention the problems.

חבלי האהבה 357907
<מרימה את ראשה ב30 מעלות, מה שמאפשר לה לדבר מעל לראשו של מאו מור שאינו חבוש עדיין בכובע כחול עם כוכב, כי ההזמנה שלו מebay עדיין לא הגיעה>

"I happy to see that you now admit that your not an export"
חבר'ה, אתם דווקא יודעים שאני מוצר יצוא נחשק. (הייתי חייבת)

ומישהו צריך להסביר לי למה אנשים חושבים שאני משתמשת בניקים אחרים, בעוד שאני נאמנה לניק המעיד על הווייתי. וכאמור, כאשר אני כתבתי את תגובה 356503 התכוונתי לזה, ועמדתי בהחלטתי‏1. לא שאני לא ‏2 מעריכה את תרומותיו של השמאן הצ'וקצ'י {יחי הדוב החום!} והאחרים לדיון. למעשה אני סבורה שב תגובה 357224 יש הרבה אמת, במידה ומאו מור אינו מתחזה.

אגב, אם מישהו תהה מדוע האנגלית של מאול'ה מור השתפרה בחלק השני של המניפסט הנוכחי שלו, זה הועתק והודבק מ:
אני לא אוהבת אנשים שמעתיקים ומדביקים.
אין לי סובלנות למתודולוגית דיון בעייתית בעליל (כמו להתייחס רק לשלושה מתוך שבעה עשר היסטוריונים מצוטטים).
הדיון השטחי של מאו מור, הבורות שהוא מציג תמיד בהתחלה, לפני שהוא מוצא את החומר המיועד באינטרנט, ההסתמכות הכמעט בלעדית שלו על החומר הנ"ל, שלא דורש זמן רב מדי לאיתור וקריאה, גורמת לי לחשוד שהוא באמת מתחזה.
ואם הוא לא מתחזה אז הוא יותר גרוע. הוא אימפריאליסט. הוא מנכס לו כל מני עמים נדכאים, כל עוד הם עוזרים לו להלחם בשד המערבי הפרטי שלו, או ליתר דיוק השד הישראלי. אין לו עניין באנשים ותרבויות אחרות מעבר לזה. אני לא אוהבת אנשים כאלה.

1 בלשון עבר, באופן זמני
2 שלילה כפולה
חבלי האהבה 357915
מה הבדיחה עם הדוב החום?
דובי 357997
תגובה 357083
חבלי האהבה 357998
מה , זה לא ברור? הדוב הלבן מדכא את הדוב החום , שהוא הטוטם של השבט שלנו.
חבלי האהבה 358000
וזה מצחיק?
חבלי האהבה 358007
מה פתאום מצחיק? זה רציני לגמרי. רואים שאתה לא מבין כלום בסיביריה, ריאקציונר שכמוך!
run forest run 358072
I don’t even need to respond to your comment. As usual you have shone your own ignorance by ignoring everything I said, and focusing on the superficial.

I invite everybody on this web site to look at both of our comments and to decide for them self who is avoiding questions and who is being bias.

and by the way the historians that I quoted, are the historians that your site use to "prove" the death of millions in the "great leap forward"

But hey, now you can post stupid propaganda again, under an anonymous names …….

Mao More saw a capitalist imperialist Amerikkkan film. 358110
That's right, your response was not required.

She treated me with scorn
An' she caused me to pain
The answer that she give me was
You need'nt come again
O, you need'nt come again

ואם מישהו בכל זאת רוצה תשובה עובדתית לחביתת הביצים עתירת השומן שכתובה למעלה, שירים את ידו.
שאלה לא אינטלקטואלית 358128
יש חביתה שהיא לא של ביצים?
תשובה מתחת לכל ביקורת 358133
You mean to say you CAN'T make an omelette without breaking eggs?

עוד מעט יגידו לי שכשמנסרים עצים חייבים לעוף שבבים.
שאלה לא אינטלקטואלית 358134
אם יש, רב-מלים לא מכיר.
run forest run 358160
under an anonymous name, ah? and you?

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