בתשובה להאייל האלמוני, 18/06/06 13:06
מה יהיה, idan? 391269
קרן פורד הוקמה ע"י אדסל פורד בכספו של הנרי פורד

"Edsel Ford, the only son of Ford Motor Co. founder Henry Ford, created the foundation in 1936 " http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20...
The Ford Foundation was chartered on January 15 th, 1936 by Edsel Ford and two Ford Motor Company executives" http://www.fordfound.org/about/history.cfm
"The Ford Foundation, established by Edsel Ford in 1936 " http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/06/th...
"Edsel was instrumental in the creation of the Ford Foundation in 1936." http://www.michmarkers.com/startup.asp?startpage=S04...

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