בתשובה לאייל משכיל, 28/09/06 18:18
Israeli gulags and Israeli hypocrisy 412741
I think that you are the one that is basing himself on unreal information. When I was talking about political activist I was not only talking only about communists, I was talking about any radical political activists. Your country does have a black list of radical activist that is used to harass them. In the case of the International Solidarity Movement for example, an organization that is dedicated to fight none violently the illegal demolition of Palestinian and to assist the Palestinian people to live somewhat of a normal life. Your country has killed two of their members (one while escorting kids on their way to school) and have broke into their offices to obtain the names of their members. You are also welcome to go and talk to anarchists who are opposing the illegal building of the separating wall on a Palestinian land (not on the green line as was promise) and ask for their experience with the police and the army. And even this harassment does not apply to Palestinians who can be shut, their house can be demolish, or with the destruction of their economy by your country without a job or a way to go to the hospital. As far as I can see there are no communists in your country, there are people who define themselves communists but that does not say a lot. I also might not be living in your country, nor have I ever done.

The political right in your country is needed to maintain the goals of your government. As long as are under control and do not threat the statuesque in Israel they are allowed to keep harass and kill Palestinian. They are sometime get out of hand and contradict the interest of Israel and need to be control. They are definitely not obligated to maintain the law.

All this relative freedom is provided to the Israelis to keep propagating the mantra that their country is the only democracy in the Middle East. When in essence not only that is not true, but America who provides Israel with weapons and money that without them the state of Israel would not survive one day, is the one who insures that democratic movements in Arab countries are crushed and that their corrupt dictators maintain power.

Why is Judaism so different from other religions? Islam and Christianity are very well a way of life too. You remind me of Muslim and Indos in India that are always trying to convince each other who has the best religion and who have a better social life. Or different sects of Christianity in the U.S. who are a trying to convert people saying that they have the best religion. There are people who would disagree with you about your description of Israelis (or would prefer French or India). And in your country too, there are jukes about the way Israelis behave when they fly aboard (which are based on true stories). Marx was raised a Christian, and I know people again, who study genetics who would disagree with your theory about Jewish characteristic. Furthermore, I also know people who are not Jewish who care about the world and justice in more ways than a lot of Israelis and Jewish people that I mate. I’m very happy for you (seriously, I am) that you can walk around meeting other Jews and immediately fill closeness, that however does not define a nationality.

I would also argue that the bible and the Gemara are very subjective books that can be interepted in different ways, and looking at the hurondes misery that your country is inflicting on the Palestinian and the enforcement of these acts by Judaism, that your religion actually stands for genocide and oppression. It’s not very coincidence that the settler movements is religious based.

Generally speaking there are two schools of thoughts in philosophy, the idealist that based herself on the mind and how our mind or how our interpretation of the world affects it, and there is the materialist, the philosophy that upholds that their objective reality beyond us. The Maoist epistemological process at arriving at the truth is as Mao said “from matter to conciseness and from conciseness to matter again”. First we look or experience with reality, then we formulate ideas based on what we see, and than in the most important process we try to see if they apply to reality. Marxism unlike religions and different political movements is based its theory in corresponding with reality. Nationalism as define scientifically (To quote Stalin) is: “A nation is historically evolved, stable community of language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a community of culture.” The question of a nation is very important when dealing with cultural imperialism, national oppression, and a country compose of a couple of nations.

I feel that you, my friend, is the one that is relying on old dogma and subjective and personalize experience to define a phenomena, and not on a scientific and reality biased experience.

This is going to be my last comment to you; I really don’t have anytime for this now. You can find answer to all your question in the books that I recommended to you, and in leftist Israeli websites.

Until next time, goodbye.

Israeli gulags and Israeli hypocrisy 412955

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