בתשובה להאייל האלמוני, 12/11/06 14:51
חרמנים עליך ישראל... 419585
''העולם כולו מזדעדע נוכח הזוועות, הרעב ושפיכות הדמים שהמיטו על עזה אסון הומניטרי בקנה מידה איום, אולם אנשי האקדמיה הישראלים - גם אלה הרגישים ביותר, כביכול, לזכויות אדם - מחשים. פניות מעמיתיהם במערב, המבקשים את הזדהותם עם חרם אקדמי כאמצעי לחץ, נענות בתירוצים קלושים ובהתחמקויות המגובות במלל ריק על חשיבותו של שיתוף הפעולה המדעי והצורך בהפרדה בין פיתוח הידע האנושי לבין תועבות הפוליטיקה. האופייני לשיח הזוי ואסקייפיסטי זה הוא מאמרים בנוסח הפתשגן שלפנינו, המטיח האשמות נטולות בסיס על ציבור גדול ומשכיל של מרצים ישראלים מן השורה הראשונה בלי עובדה אחת לרפואה''.
(האייל האלמוני, מתוך האתר ''האייל הקורא'').
Intellectuals and genocide 419629
And more than that, can one be “objective” and not “bias” while teaching the current dominant ideology? If one is teaching that for hundred of years religious Jews have preyed to come to and established the secular state of Israel, or that Israel have always stood for peace, and that the Arab states have always rejected it, or that thousands of Palestinian left their land with the advice of the Arab armys, does that not promoting an ideology and a political agenda? There is no such thing as ideas in the abstract divorces from politics.

The only propose of groups like “Monitor of the Israeli Academy” like their prototype “student for academic freedom” and David Horowits is to promote a right wing racist ideology as if it’s objective and not bias. The witch hunt that those two groups are prasoing against professors who do care about the future and the truth and are promoting critical thinking is fundamentally just to protect the dominant ideology. Also, to portray the dominant ideology as a victim (everyone who disagrees with us is Anti -Semitic) is ridicules, thousands of high school kids in Israel are brainwashed daily in preparation to the army, and millions of Israelis are lied to through the media every day.

The question, however, is what is the responsibilities of intellectuals in times of war and genocide. What is the responsibility of someone who teaches medicine when Israel bombs an ambulance or cut the electricity to a hospital? What is the responsibility of someone who teaches ethics, philosophy, or law, when Israel again and again disregard international laws? What is the responsibility of history teachers who teach the usual Zionist propaganda that has a direct affect, since some of his student will probably serve in the occupied territories? There is no such thing as ideas in the abstract, and by avoiding the issue or ignoring it one is only strangest it.

I think that the censorship on the Israeli academy is dangerous. Ideas should be regarded and debated in their own right and not according to who says them. Ideas should actually be debated by the people who believe in them the most, this is the only way to arrive at the truth.

Intellectuals and genocide 419656
In the third paragraph you ask what the responsibilities of intellectuals are in times of war and genocide.

It sounds like you do expect that some intellectuals will speak against war and genocide, and others, in other countries, will push them to do so. The problem, though, is that the situation is not balanced between the Israelis and the Arabs - the Arabs have no intellectuals, or at least you do not hear them. Look what is taught in their schools and universities. Look at their TV. And look at the reaction of the British intellectuals to that.

Actually, the problem is that when one brave Arab intellectual dares to speak at all, the Europeans are so amazed from the phenomena that they immediately encourage him/her no matter what is being said.

I am quite sure that if the intellectuals from the Arab side were as loud as the left wing Israelis intellectuals, and if the British put on those intellectuals the same kind of pressure, the "right wing" "Monitor of Israeli Academy" would be much less active in this matter.

Intellectuals and genocide 419666
I think that you should better write to me in Hebrew, I find it hard to understand your point.

Arab countries have a long history of imperialist and colonial intervention. The dictatorship regimes that are in the Arab countries are a produce of colonial intervention and in some cases imperialist military intervention. There are actually Arab intellectual who speak against the corrupt Arab regime who oppress their masses. Not only that, there are secular Arab movement who are fighting or have fought against those government regime. For example, the curds in Turkey have been fighting for decades against the military Turkish government who has outlawed their language bomb them with gas and raid their villages killing and raping. The curds, however, do not receive money and weapon from America, the Turkish military does. If you really are concern with the Arab masses their well being and their intellectual freedom you should target the country that provide their government with money and weapon and train their intelligent forces in tutoring political activists. Infect, you should start a movement in your country that would try to boycott money and weapons receive from America as long as the American government supports dictators in Arab countries. While you at it, you should also organize to boycott millions of dollars from Christian in the U.S. who are not only Anti-Semitic, but have supported dictators in Latin America in the past.

You fight the diesis not the symptoms.

And your point still does not take away the responsibility of intellectual to regard their ideas as if they only relate to theory. If you ignore the issues you only strengthen them.

חזרה לעמוד הראשי המאמר המלא

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