בתשובה להאייל היפאני, 16/11/06 8:23
Anti Semitism, Zionists favorite hideout. 420118
You still here? Damn, somebody gut hurt. You answered so fast that you exposed your self for who you are. You started by accusing me of being Chinese (I gauss that’s a bad thing) and it took you two sentences to reclaim some victim identity. You were so mad that I said that Zionists can’t engage in critical thinking that you replied by engaging in…… uncritical thinking. What are you so afraid of? People will read what I had to say and will decide for them self. You’re so terrified by the idea that someone will break the status-quo and actually make people think that you immediately accuse me of being Anti-Semitic. Is this your “democracy”? Two sides of the political map who only disagree on how many Israeli soldiers should be sacrifice to annihilate the Arabs? Two sides who agree that the Palestinians are responsible for the killing of them by your army?

If I am the Anti-Semitic holocaust denier why don’t you prove me wrong? Why don’t prove me that America did not sponsor terrorism during the 80’s? Or that the holocaust was very different from the killing of 4 million vitamins in the Vietnam War? Or that Israel did not sell weapons to the contras and other dictators during the 80’s? Because for you all this information is dangerous, and as I said before critical thinking is too much for a Zionist that can’t see beyond their schizophrenic victim mentality.

Anti Semitism, Zionists favorite hideout. 420122
כמובן שיש לי מה לומר לנוכח חצאי האמיתות והשקרים הבוטים שאתה מפריח בחדווה אך נפלה טעות בתגובתך ושכחת להוסיף לינק לפורום בו נוכל להמשיך את הוויכוח.
הרי בניגוד לישראל, בה לטענתך לא קיימת יכולת ביקורת עצמית, בוודאי שתוכל למצוא פורום סיני/צפון קוריאני/קובני או ערבי אחד לפחות בו נוכל לקיים דיאלוג חפשי וענייני ללא התערבות המשטר.
Anti Semitism, Zionists favorite hideout. 420123
אולי תענה לו במקום לכעוס?
Palestinians as Anti-Semitic and Native Americans as anti-Europe 420133
I never said that those countries are communist in the same way that Egypt or turkey are not democratic. I also never said that there is no critical thinking in Israel but that Zionism as an ideology relays on ignorance and a victim mentality. And all you are doing with your answers is proving me right and exposing your self and Zionism for what you really stand for. Why are you so scared of the truth? Again, is this is your “democracy”?

If I was a Zionist I would be ashamed of the lame representation that you give to Zionism. You are playing the usual stereotypical Zionist who can’t deal with facts and turn around and accuse the other side of being anti-Semitic. Even if some how you were right with all that you accuse me of how would that contradict all my points about America, imperialism, and Israel? Does the fact that other countries commit genocide justify the holocaust?

Common, stop hiding behind your mantra and admit it, the truth is too painful for you, and you can’t really contradict my points. As a Zionist you have nothing if you can’t avoid the subject by accusing people of Anti-Semitism and talking about the holocaust.

Anti Semitism, Zionists favorite hideout. 420140
מדוע אתה ממשיך לקרוא אותו? אני כבר מזמן הפסקתי, למרות שאותי הוא הרבה פחות מרגיז. הוא פשוט חוזר על עצמו כל הזמן.

חזרה לעמוד הראשי המאמר המלא

מערכת האייל הקורא אינה אחראית לתוכן תגובות שנכתבו בידי קוראים