בתשובה לMao more then ever, 23/04/07 5:36
The middle class is not the enemy 440115
את כל מה שאתה דוחק בישראלים לעשות יש ישראלים שעושים כבר, כידוע לך. וחוץ מקומץ פלסטינים שזוכים כך לעזרה מעשית או חברתית, לא נראה לי שיש לכך תוצאות מרחיקות לכת. הארגון היחידי היעיל, אולי, הוא מחסום-ווטש, וגם שם יש בעיה בכך שהוא יוצר לכאורה רושם של ''כיבוש נאור'', עוד אוקסימורון נאה במסגרת ''יורים ובוכים''.
united front 440145
I think that what you are raising is extremely important. I agree with the spirit of what you’re saying, I would like, however, to add something.

I don’t think that enough Israelis are fighting the racist acts of the government of Israel. Most simply don’t care and blame the victims, and the so-called Israeli “left” relies on politicians to do the job. I’m not trying to downplay the heroic resistance of the Palestinians, but it’s time for more Israelis who call themselves “leftist” to engage in active resistance against the criminal acts of the state of Israel. History is changed through the acts and action of people in the streets, not through the voting booth.

I do think that “Check-Point watch” is doing something very important. They are not only protecting Palestinians from abusive acts committed by Israeli soldiers, they are exposing the Israeli occupation for what it is, inhuman. Organizations like that and others (Beselem, ISM) are targeted by the Israeli arm forces because they expose the Israeli occupation for what it is. For the Zionist propaganda machine it’s very important to maintain the lie of “Democracy” and “human occupation”, and to hide the devastating affects on Palestinians by the state of Israel. And these organizations contradict that by their very present (I would really recommend you to see the movie “Naker Ahat Mishtay Eyni”).

Obviously, I would rather Israelis engage in civil disobedience as the “anarchist against the well” are doing, but as long as they are doing something, its fine. You see, we need to have a united-front against the racist laws and hegemony of the state of Israel. And while we are doing that, we should have debates and struggles among us what would be the best way to end the occupation, or more fundamentally capitalism. “Peace Now” for example, drives me crazy with their ridicules politics. That, however, does not mean that they are the enemy. The development of ideas under capitalism is unequal, and people will come with different ideas on how to end the occupation. It’s our responsibility to push those people towards better solutions while maintaining unity.

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