בתשובה לקסנטיפה המרושעת, 25/04/07 9:43
!Shoot, Don´t Talk 440333
You keep nitpicking and relating to the superficial.

The question was “why do most people here don’t take you seriously?”
To which I have answered, that Israelis in general don’t listen to other views or act against oppression.

You have no right to demand from others to reply to me when you, who according to your own answer agree with me, but still relate to the superficial. Take some responsibility and deal with my comments maturely, instead of immediately accusing me of “disrespecting Israelis”.

!Shoot, Don´t Talk 440338
The question was not "why do most people here don’t take you seriously?"

The question was "why do most people here don’t take you scientifically?"
!Shoot, Don´t Talk 440339
You keep nitpicking. There is no way that you have meant something other than how I interpret you.
Deal with my comment, or stop wasting my time.

!Shoot, Don´t Talk 440341
אז עכשיו אתה אומר לי, באופן מדעי, שלא יכול להיות שהתכוונתי למה שכתבתי, ושהתכוונתי דווקא לאיך שפירשת את מה שכתבתי?
לי ירד האסימון סו"ס, לך עוד לא? חבל 440342

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