בתשובה לסמילי, 09/01/02 15:10
שלוש הערות 51804
The Santurini's (sp?) crew admitted they had three successful journeys before they were caught, so we know of atleast four attempts to smuggle weapons from Lebanon. However, we knew about Karin A planned voyage months before it started - it was tracked when the ship was first purchased, possibly before Iran was involved. Atleast that's what I read in the press.

BUT, If someone in Iran wanted to end military assistance to the Palestenians, Karin A is a good way to do it. Iran lost nothing materially, but drawed excess international attention to its involvement in world terror. The chances of the ship to pass unnoticed was considered poor in Sunday's press, since it involved many figures and large transactions, both monitored by us. In addition, it was known (and published at Haaretz) that since 11/9 the US is tracking suspicious ships worldwide. Now Iran is forced to lower its terrorist profile, as might be preferred by Hatami.

So, though Eran wouldn't say that (probably because he disagrees), there is a Balabanic possibility of a planned catch. It wasn't even necessairy to tell us about the ship, only to act clumsy enough.
תודה 51808

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