בתשובה לידידיה, 26/12/12 6:44
זו לא את, זה אני 610268
בבקשה: http://www.iowacourts.gov/Supreme_Court/Recent_Opini...

(אין שם שום מילה על חילבה)
זו לא את, זה אני 610273
לעצלנים, הנה כמה ציטוטים מתיאור העובדות:

During the last six months or so of Nelson’s employment, Dr.
Knight and Nelson started texting each other on both work and personal
matters outside the workplace. Neither objected to the other’s texting.
Both Dr. Knight and Nelson have children, and some of the texts involved
updates on the kids’ activities and other relatively innocuous matters.
Nelson considered Dr. Knight to be a friend and father figure, and she
denies that she ever flirted with him or sought an intimate or sexual
relationship with him.

Dr. Knight acknowledges he once told Nelson that if she saw his
pants bulging, she would know her clothing was too revealing.
On another occasion, Dr. Knight texted Nelson saying the shirt she had worn
that day was too tight. After Nelson responded that she did not think he
was being fair, Dr. Knight replied that it was a good thing Nelson did not
wear tight pants too because then he would get it coming and going. Dr.
Knight also recalls that after Nelson allegedly made a statement
regarding infrequency in her sex life, he responded to her, “[T]hat’s like
having a Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it.” Nelson recalls
that Dr. Knight once texted her to ask how often she experienced an
Nelson did not answer the text.
However, Nelson does not
remember ever telling Dr. Knight not to text her or telling him that she
was offended.

(לאחר מכאן אשתו גילתה את זה ותבעה ממנו לפטר את נלסון)
זו לא את, זה אני 610277
לד''ר גרגורי האוס עברו לסדר היום על הערות הרבה יותר תדירות והרבה יותר בוטות.
טוב, הוא גם פיטר עובדים ועובדות הלוך וחזור בגלל סיבות הרבה פחות טובות.
זו לא את, זה אני 610296
אמרתי חרמן אחול בלועה או לא אמרתי? :-)

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