בתשובה לננה, 19/09/02 21:04
suggestions 93279
2. I didn't understand your concern. Can you elaborate?

3. Well, when they run the kiosks, the bakeries and many of the resturants, it mens they're mingling and slowly standing on their feet, soon to be mingling.

5. A safe recipe? I'm too stupid to follow your hints. If you find the time, please explain yourself.

6. Generally, French policemen are narrow-minded, rude and violent towards immigrants who cannot speak French. There surely is a better way to fight illegal immigration than to opress them into ghettos.

7. That's the only semi-rational explanation I (we) could come up with regarding the mad way of the French to do foreign affairs. Why else would they do everything they can to piss off everyone in the middle east against each other?

8. Thanks, it's all home made ;-)

9. Well, I'm talking about the cultural influence over their common mentality, the expectation value of their path in life, their preference in life as compared to those done by drunk/stoned Europeans. And I was talking specifically about Arabs from middle-eastern tyrannies - Syria, Palestine and Turkey. The Marrocans are also heavily stoned, Egyptians are too proud of their country.

Statistically, the flux of researchers is such, that in a decade from now (assuming no peace will be made by then) I will bet the following:

* 50% that a foreign researcher will make the breakthrough on full cell research in a German facility, with German funds. By foreign I mean - not from the EU.

* 20% he's coming from the EU (including Germany)

* 10% he's an Israeli in an Israeli institute.

* 5% he's a foreigner doing post-doc in Israel, with foreign funds.

* 10% he is Finnish, Danish or Swedish in a Scandinavian research institute.

* 5% surprises (Japan? Australia? Hong Kong? Teheran? That will be the day...)

10. We have nothing to be concerned about Europe taken over by Islam. We can only benefit from it in the long run. If we like it or not, our set of values is much more compatible with theirs. Sometimes you have to live in Yurop for 3-4 months to understand it.
suggestions 94566
2. ההסבר כדלקמן: מיעוטים נוטים להשתלב, הרי לצורך זה הם הגיעו מלכתחילה. השאלה שמטרידה בכל סיפור השתלבותם היא האם בנקודה מסויימת האיסלאם הקיצוני (יש דבר כזה) יצליח לצרף אותם לשורותיהם או לא. אגב, לא צריך הרבה כדי שזה יתלקח. מהו הגבול הדק, בין הזדהות לאימוץ רעיון הג'יהאד ולקחת חלק פעיל במימושו. האם זה מופרך?
5. רוצה לומר שההכללות מעט פשטניות (לגבי שוודים, צרפתים וכו'), ושאי אפשר לדעת מה הכרונולוגיה של קשיים/בעיות בהקשר הזה. אפשר לשער.
9. התערבות מעניינת. אני מתרשמת מישראל, דבר שלא קורה הרבה.
10. אני מסכימה עקרונית אם קוי הדמיון המשותפים. אני לא בטוחה לגבי היתר. יש סיבה לדאגה.

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