בתשובה לאסתי, 19/04/02 22:03
יש לי שאלה 66571

First of all, I must ask you, and any other commentators, to forgive my English mistakes and blunders. I'm writing from a computer that does not support Hebrew, and which Interface Language I do not speak.

As for your question - the two have merged into one.
The array of reasons which I have reflected in the article, combined with several other personal reasons, have brought me to the point where I stand in complete and utter lack of will to remain in Israel.
I can assure you that if my reasoning for leaving was as trivial as "I would rather live in <Insert Western country here>", I would not have bothered all of you with this article.
I wrote this article out of a sense of true emergency, and despair.
I feel that the Israeli culture has been severely damaged due to the 35 year long Occupation, and corruption of collective and personal moral standards.
As I wrote in the article - Escapist Culture is a moral crime in this situation.

Also, I'm no fool - I will try to immigrate to a place where I can live a happy and joyful life, but more importantly - at peace with my conscience. Naturally, I would prefer a Western Democracy over anything else.
But I can not overlook the true statement you have made in the last part of your response - I feel true sorrow and sympathy for the people in Israel who feel like me, but are unable to manifest it in the way that I could. They are an addition to the ever growing toll of victims in this bloody conflict.

As for your comment in a latter reply, about the Israeli culture - it is certainly not true.
A small example to prove it will be that out of the 20+ KG I was allowed to take with me on the plane, about 50% were of Poetry and Literature in Hebrew.
In fact, while you are out looking for any incriminating info in my past responses, I suggest that you look for the one where I said that one of the main reasons that keep me in Israel is my connection to the language and local culture. (I think I said it with agreement to something similar that Dubi wrote)

I promise to reply to some of the other responses in a short time - Please be patient.

P.S. - If I could Copy&Paste Nathanel Yefet´s response written in my name, I would have. (with minor changes, I don't like the "GASHASHIM").
יש לי שאלה 158539
אני מגיב באיחור של שנה פלוס...,אבל מבחינתי עצם הכתיבה רלוונטית ולא התאריך.
מכירים את הקלישאה שאנשים מסוג מסויים יכולים "להריח" אנשים מסוגם, לדוגמא: המנוח גיידאר, או ישראלי שטוען שבחו"ל הוא יכול לדעת מי ישראלי וכו' ובכן אני גם "מריח" את כותב המאמר המפורט.
אני מצטרף לשאלה של אסתיולא מסתפק בתשובתו של הכותב הנכבד, אל תזעמו הרי גם בביה"ש כל צד פורס את גרסתו והשופט מכריע ובהכרח הכרעתו נוגדת את רצון אחד הצדדים - גם כאן לדעתי לכותב נמאס מישראל!
אם טעיתי סליחה, אבל אני לא מתבייש להודות שנמאס לי מישראל, נמאס לי מצבא-ישראל, נמאס לי מהכלכלה בישראל, נמאס לי ממכבש הציונות בתוך גבולות הקו-הירוק...למה צריך להתבייש בזה? למה אי אפשר להודות בזה? למה צריך להצטדק?
יש לי שאלה 158558
אתה מרגיש צורך להצטדק? תצטדק. אתה לא מרגיש צורך כזה - אל תצטדק. נשמע לי די פשוט.
במה הצטדקתי? 158569

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